性格 Character 英語のことわざ
Birds of a feather flock together. 同じ羽毛の鳥は群れを作る。
People who are a lot alike tend to gather together and become friends.
Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇心は猫を殺す。
If you are too interested in things you should not be interested in, you could be in danger.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 卵がかえる前に、にわとりを数えるな。
You shouldn't make plans based on something that depends on a good thing happening in the future,
but instead wait to see what really happens.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 柵の向こう側の草はいつも、もっと緑色に見える。
Things other people have or their situations always look better than your own, even when they are not really so.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
You can give someone the opportunity to learn or to do something, but you can never force him to accept that opportunity.
A bad workman always blames his tools. できの悪い職人は、いつも道具のせいにする。
Our success or failure is determined not by what we have to work with but by how we employ what we have.
Idle hands are the devil's tools. もてあましている手は悪魔の道具。
If you have free time, you may do bad things.
It is no use crying over spilt milk. こぼれたミルクを嘆いても何にもならない。
You shouldn't waste your time being upset with a mistake that has already happened and you can't change.
Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. あなたが笑えば、世界もあなたと一緒に笑う。あなたが泣けば、泣くのはあなたひとりだけ。
When you enjoy life, everyone enjoys your company, when you are sad, no one wants to be with you.
Let bygones be bygones. 過ぎたことは過ぎたことのままにしろ。
Allow past problems to be forgotten.
Never cross a bridge till you come to it. 近づくまで橋を渡るな。
Don't worry about something until you need to.
Never hit a man when he's down. 人が倒れている時、その人を叩くな。
It's not right to cause a man more harm when he's already hurt.
Never light your candle at both ends. ろうそくに両側から火をつけるな。
Conserve your energy.
Practice what you preach. 論じることを実践しろ。
You should do the things you tell others to do.
Silence is golden. 沈黙は金。
There is value in being quiet.
Still waters run deep. 動きが少ない水は深くを流れる。
A person's calm exterior often conceals great depths of character, just as the deepest streams can have the smoothest surfaces.
The leopard cannot change its spots. ヒョウは柄を変えられない。
We are what we are born to be.
Where there is a will there is a way. 志あるところに道がある。
If you want something badly enough and work hard to get it, you can find the means to get it.
You are never too old to learn. 年を取り過ぎていて学べないということはない。
No matter how old you are you can still learn.
The pot that called the kettle black. やかんを黒いと呼んだ鍋。
A person who has a fault should not point out the same fault in another.
© David S. Moskowitz 2005, All Rights Reserved.