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お金 Money 英語のことわざ


  • Money doesn't grow on trees. 木にお金は実らない。
    You use this proverb to tell someone that he/she shouldn't waste money or there is not enough money to buy something expensive.

  • Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. 卵を全部ひとつのかごに保管するな。
    It's risky to put all your resources into one thing.

  • To borrow from Peter to pay Paul. ピーターから借りて、ポールに払う。
    Taking from one person to pay back another.

  • Don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. 金の卵を産むガチョウを殺すな。
    You should use caution not to destroy the thing which is benefiting you.

  • Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 冒険なくして得るものはない。
    It takes a risk to get a reward.

  • Penny wise, pound foolish. ペニーは賢く、ポンドは愚か。
    Someone who worries about little costs, but ignores the bigger picture, or spends a lot to fix the thing they didn't want to spend a little bit on in the first place.

  • A fool and his money are soon parted. 愚か者と愚か者のお金は、すぐに離れ離れになる。
    A foolish person quickly spends or looses their money.

  • It takes money to make money. お金を儲けるにはお金が必要だ。
    You must risk money to make more money.

    © David S. Moskowitz 2005, All Rights Reserved.