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時間 Time 英語のことわざ


  • Procrastination is the thief of time. ぐずつくことは時間の泥棒。
    You are wasting your time if you keep delaying something that must be done instead of doing it today. やるべきことをやるべき時にやらないで遅らせてばかりいるのは、時間を無駄にしているだけです。

  • Time and tide wait for no one. 時間と潮は誰も待ってくれない。
    Time is precious, once it is past no one can go back and claim it thus everyone should be mindful of how his time is spent.

  • Time flies when your having fun. 楽しんでいる時、時間は飛んでいく。
    Time seems to go faster when you are enjoying yourself.

  • Rome was not build in a day. ローマは一日ではできあがらなかった。
    It takes time to make something.

  • Slow and steady wins the race. ゆっくりで着実な者が競走に勝つ。
    It takes time to succeed.

  • All good things come to those who wait. すべての良いことは、待っている人々のところにやってくる。
    If you are patient, you will be rewarded.

    © David S. Moskowitz 2005, All Rights Reserved.